Listening is the form of love we fail to use most

The best place to start something is in your heart. Why? Because every beat is a reminder to your body that this is what’s keeping it going! So make sure every passion you have, every desire you hold, and every facet of your life begins with your heart. That’s going to be what keeps you going when it seems like nothing is moving.
I recently had the opportunity to grow myself on an inner city mission trip in Los Angeles California with Athletes in Action. There is where the idea of #Born2BeLight was born.

After I left LA God really put it on my heart to find a way to 1, push people to form some sort of relationship with people who are different then them. And 2, glorify the God given light EVERY person has in them. That’s why I started this the movement called Born2BeLight. I want to push myself and other people to go out of their way and sit down and get to know somebody. Learn their passions, their desires, their hurts, their true needs, learn about the unique light every person has within them. Truly sacrifice our time and give people the opportunity to speak! 

In LA we talked about people not being heard. With this movement I want people to share someone else’s story so more of the world can hear their cries, and their beauty. Their light!… The light they bring to your life!

In order to touch everyone’s life by listening, I will need everyone’s help. I desire for this to be a true movement of people with thousands actively joining in. More than just putting a red X on your hand, or wearing peak once a month, or pouring ice water over yourself. PLEASE hear that I’m not saying that those are not extraordinary causes and organization, I’m just saying I believe in the power of people and some people are being left out. 

            • B O R N 2 B E L I G H T

1st) Everyone go follow the Instagram account @Born2BeLight

2nd) Take some time out of your day or week to get to know someone different then you. Learn a little about them and post a pic of them and their story (light) for others to hear! 

3rd) Use the #Born2BeLight and Tag the movement page in the picture. This way everyone can read about the person you met!! 

Be inspired by the light everyone has in them! And feel free to comment on pictures! 

Listening is the form of love we fail to use


You Are!

You Are
Godly 🙏
Smart 📙
Loving 💖
God fearing😳
Open minded😇 
Amazing 💥
Sexy 😋😛
Caring 💕
Wife material👰💍
Humble 👸
Spirit lead 🙌
Curvy 😍
…………. My future wife is more then I can rap my head around! When we are together I want my actions to speak about how much she means to me! I pray that tonight she is sleeping with peace in her heart and that the love of God is healing any past hearts she may have! 

Valentine’s Day is too LATE

As a Christian we always hear how we are not saved BY good works, we are saved TO good works. As we put Valentine’s Day behind us I challenge people to take the same approach in their friendships, relationships, and marriages. The truth is that friendships, relationships, and marriages won’t be held together because of what you did for them on Valentine’s Day, but why you do those things the next 364 days! Waiting until Valentine’s Day is far too late!

To My Future Wife

silhouette-of-familyOne of the best parts about my day is knowing that I have the opportunity to make yours. You are a blessing in so many ways. I hope that my prayers are touching you in a way that you know it is me, your future husband. You have a unique place in my heart way before you’ve had a temporary spot in my life. Even though life isn’t forever, you will forever be in my heart. I want to love you in a way that it makes the dictionary ask questions about us. You are my rib and together we are one. Taking care of you is taking care of me. There is nothing in this world that I will willingly let come between the call I have to protect you. The love I have for you is generational and will be passed down to our kids. I want them to truly know how to love their future spouse by the way they’ve seen me pour love out on you.

Love on PEOPLE

“All mornings are like paintings: you need a little inspiration to get going, a little smile to brighten it up, and a small message from someone who cares to help color your day!”

Everyone, be upbeat and enthusiastic today! Remember that every new person that you encounter today speaks volumes about your worth and value. Because imagine if that person were to die tonight, it would mean that their life was fully lived according to God’s plan and their life wasn’t fully complete without first experiencing you and your love. You are unbelievably important to every person’s life around you!
Realize a great way to make someone’s day is to help start it, so wave and smile in the mornings. Pay for a random person’s lunch. Give to someone who’s not expecting to receive from anyone. Take time to listen to people. Laugh with someone rather then at them… Today is filled with opportunities to make someone’s day, but only a few will understand that they are helping complete someone’s life. You do that with how you show and give love. In all that you do, be the blessing that you imagine your future spouse will be to you. And give the love that you can’t wait to pour out on your future kids.

Spread LOVE

What happens in the world, first happens in the hearts of people. Why not use each day to spread some unexpected love to someone?! We are all capable of it, we all deserve it, and we all need it! Let love make the world go round. Challenge yourself each day to be someone who doesn’t over see someone else! People all have a purpose and the beauty that aluminates from them can be brought out by the people who are around them. The problem with so many of us today is that we are waiting on someone to love us before we are willing to show someone else love. Don’t be selfish. Understand that life is fair, it’s people who aren’t. Pursue each day with passion in your heart!

To My Future SON

Son watch 4716589759_246b516652_zme closely, but don’t do as I do, find a way to do it better. Trust me, you amaze me more and more every day! I am so proud to be your father. I want you to always remember that life is a beautiful gift, when I say that, i’m talking about the life in people, those who you see every day. learn to serve them. Inner each day with a happiness that affects everyone who knows you. See the magic in people who have a hard time seeing it in themselves! I encourage you to be someone who brings the magic out. Walk with confidence and speak to inspire, uplift, and spread love.

Son I know you’re still young and it is going to be hard to full, truly grasp this, but I want you to understand that life isn’t forever and can be taken just like that. I’m not always going to be here and neither is your beautiful mother. So in the short time you have, pursue your passions in life. Your mother and I believe in you, whatever it is you want to do we know you can accomplish it. Don,t limit yourself, you will have the opportunity to do many things so be complex in the way that you think. Be open-minded. The only free people are those who free their mind. When you fearlessly choose to take on things outside of your comfort zone you will finally experience what you’re truly capable of!

My Future WIFE

Well Mrs. Ford where do I begin? I’m 21 years old and I’ve been in two relationships, both of which left my heart gasping for air. I feel like my heart’s been running in a marathon ever since I hit puberty and realized cooties weren’t real, I’ve been searching for you. The journey isn’t what’s killing me, it’s the wait. 9c4oajocELike 10’000 fireflies trapped in a jar, my dark brown eyes light up at the thought of you. I don’t just love you, i’m in love with you. There is not a night that goes by that I don’t pray for you, for us, for what we can be. I know that one day when we stand together all of haven will rejoice, that day the word amazing will be an understatement. But I also know that we need time. I believe that the reason we are not united already is because we are simply not ready. As you continue to be molded into the woman who will completely dazzle me, I vow to continue to push myself to be the Godly man you deserve. I know the wait can be heard but hang in there babe, our time is coming. Until then, I want you to know a few things.

You are beauty at its purest form, unique in every way imaginable, just the way God intended when he fearfully created you. All your qualities and physical features absolutely blow me away. I want our daughter to have your hair, I look forward to seeing her grow into the woman you have become. I pray that you always remember that you are a source of inspiration to everyone around you. Even the church, the body of Christ, because what happens in the church must happen in people first. People like you who have a heart filled with love. You’re value is endless. Continue to bless people with your heavenly smile. Use it as a light source to brighten up people’s day. You were sculpted in God’s image and that makes you far more breathtaking than any angel in heaven. I pray that you are being completely captivated by God’s unfailing love for you. I pray that your heart is being taken care of while you are not with me.

I want to say i’m sorry.  yep, i’m already apologizing. Maybe i’m the reason we are not together yet. Maybe God sees that i’m not ready for you just yet. So I apologize and I promise i’m trying my best. There is not a day that goes by that i’m not devoted to taking steps closer to becoming your knight in shining armor. I want to win your heart by the way I protect it, and I want you to fall in love with me by the way I love you. I want our marriage to glorify the Kingdom. Last but not lest, I want to be with you forever, through the hard times and the dark times. I want our love to last until the end and linger into our kids. I pray that they can do as we are doing and patiently endure the wait.

I love you now and forever Mrs. Ford