Listening is the form of love we fail to use most

The best place to start something is in your heart. Why? Because every beat is a reminder to your body that this is what’s keeping it going! So make sure every passion you have, every desire you hold, and every facet of your life begins with your heart. That’s going to be what keeps you going when it seems like nothing is moving.
I recently had the opportunity to grow myself on an inner city mission trip in Los Angeles California with Athletes in Action. There is where the idea of #Born2BeLight was born.

After I left LA God really put it on my heart to find a way to 1, push people to form some sort of relationship with people who are different then them. And 2, glorify the God given light EVERY person has in them. That’s why I started this the movement called Born2BeLight. I want to push myself and other people to go out of their way and sit down and get to know somebody. Learn their passions, their desires, their hurts, their true needs, learn about the unique light every person has within them. Truly sacrifice our time and give people the opportunity to speak! 

In LA we talked about people not being heard. With this movement I want people to share someone else’s story so more of the world can hear their cries, and their beauty. Their light!… The light they bring to your life!

In order to touch everyone’s life by listening, I will need everyone’s help. I desire for this to be a true movement of people with thousands actively joining in. More than just putting a red X on your hand, or wearing peak once a month, or pouring ice water over yourself. PLEASE hear that I’m not saying that those are not extraordinary causes and organization, I’m just saying I believe in the power of people and some people are being left out. 

            • B O R N 2 B E L I G H T

1st) Everyone go follow the Instagram account @Born2BeLight

2nd) Take some time out of your day or week to get to know someone different then you. Learn a little about them and post a pic of them and their story (light) for others to hear! 

3rd) Use the #Born2BeLight and Tag the movement page in the picture. This way everyone can read about the person you met!! 

Be inspired by the light everyone has in them! And feel free to comment on pictures! 

Listening is the form of love we fail to use


About howmyheartthinks

less about me and more about her! This blog is dedicated to my future wife! Although I have no idea who she is, what she looks like, or what's going on in her life. I do know I love her deeply. When the day comes and I finally know who that beautiful woman is, I will give her a book full of my blog post dedicated to her! I want her to know that she's been amazing to me far before I was ever lucky enough to marry her! Along with these post I will write letters to my future kids, they are just as magical and one day I will give this to them too! I enjoy being able to slowly pour out everything that comes to my mind. I believe our minds are like a giant box of Lego's. The mind itself is a beautiful creation that holds brilliant ideas, but it is just the box (the beginning). The Lego's are our thoughts, the magic, what gives us the ability to create whatever. As a child, seeing a box of Lego's meant anything was build-able and there were no limits. But you would never start to create your wildest dreams without first pouring every Lego onto the floor, because it gave you more room to grow and cultivate. The floor is my blog, where I can truly bring things to life View all posts by howmyheartthinks

2 responses to “Listening is the form of love we fail to use most

  • mvega1107

    This is an amazing idea! I feel like a lot of the church/body of Christ is so focused on outside missions that they forget about those that live in the States. While I can’t speak for myself considering I moved to Uruguay, I always love hearing about missions taking place at home. May God bless you and this endeavor you’re undertaking. I hope that whatever woman God puts in your path is just as God loving as you are 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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